Our club was started in 1982 by six people who, after finishing a photography course, decided to continue sharing their enjoyment of photography.  They translated this mutual enjoyment into a concept of "making photography fun". From those few who planted the idea, our club has grown in numbers and substance.

The club has adapted to the incredible changes in photography over the years. From film and prints to DSLRs and digital competitions members have learned from each other along the way.

Today the club provides activities to suit a variety of interests and levels of experience.  There's learning and competition, humor and travel, friendship and the drive to be better at photography.  We are a member of the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC).  This is an endless source of material for our educational and entertainment programs.  Through the NECCC we have become acquainted with other nearby camera clubs.

We participate in regional competitions and other interclub activities.  Our own activities include digital and print salons throughout the year as well as field trips to a variety of New England destinations worthy of photographic interest.  The Nashoba Valley Photo Club offers special presentations, salons, instruction, workshops, sociability, field trips and an active website rich in club-related information.

Join us!  Share your interest and enthusiasm with us - we have plenty to share with you.  Beginning in the 2022-23 year, we meet the first Wednesday of each club month from 7:00PM - 9:00PM in the Sturtz Meeting Room at the Reuben Hoar Library, located at 41 Shattuck St., Littleton MA.  

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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